
The wholesale role API allows you to create, view, update, and delete wholesale variations.


  • You can still use wc product properties set in WC API since our API is just extending from WC.

  • You need to create the variable parent first via wholesale/v1/products endpoint before you can use this endpoint.

Available Routes:

  • GET: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations

  • GET: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • POST: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations

  • PUT: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • DELETE: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • POST: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/batch

Wholesale Data Property

To get wholesale related data, it can be accessed using the property wholesale_data in the response.

Ex. Request:


Ex. Response:

    "id": 3419,
    {...wc variation props},
    "wholesale_data": {
        "wholesale_price": {
            "wholesale_customer": "80",
        "price_html": "<del class=\"original-computed-price\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><bdi><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;</span>100.00</bdi></span></del><span style=\"display: block;\" class=\"wholesale_price_container\">\r\n                                            <span class=\"wholesale_price_title\">Wholesale Price:</span>\r\n                                            <ins><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><bdi><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;</span>80.00</bdi></span> <small class=\"woocommerce-price-suffix wholesale-price-suffix\"></small></ins>\r\n                                        </span>"

Note: The price_html data will only show up if wholesale role is provided. The price_html contains the regular + wholesale price in html format. If not a wholesale product, it will show the regular price in html format.

Last updated