
The wholesale role API allows you to create, view, update, and delete wholesale variations.

Note that you can still use wc product properties set in WC API since our API is just extending from WC.

Note that you need to create the variable parent first via wholesale/v1/products endpoint before you can use this endpoint.

Available Routes:

  • GET: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations

  • GET: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • POST: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations

  • PUT: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • DELETE: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/{variation_id}

  • POST: wholesale/v1/products/{variable_id}/variations/batch

Wholesale Data Property

To get wholesale related data, it can be accessed using the property wholesale_data in the response.

Ex. Request:


Ex. Response:

    "id": 3419,
    {...wc variation props},
    "wholesale_data": {
        "wholesale_price": {
            "wholesale_customer": "80",
        "price_html": "<del class=\"original-computed-price\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><bdi><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;</span>100.00</bdi></span></del><span style=\"display: block;\" class=\"wholesale_price_container\">\r\n                                            <span class=\"wholesale_price_title\">Wholesale Price:</span>\r\n                                            <ins><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><bdi><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;</span>80.00</bdi></span> <small class=\"woocommerce-price-suffix wholesale-price-suffix\"></small></ins>\r\n                                        </span>"

Note: The price_html data will only show up if wholesale role is provided. The price_html contains the regular + wholesale price in html format. If not a wholesale product, it will show the regular price in html format.

Last updated